Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Smart Rally on Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Support the SMART Train and Pathway.  

Join the SMART Jobs for the Holidays Rally 

December 21st at Noon
San Rafael City Hall  1400 5th Avenue

Join the Marin County Bicycle Coalition and the SMART Riders Coalition for the SMART Jobs for the Holidays Rally on December 21st at noon at San Rafael City Hall, 1400 5th Avenue in downtown San Rafael.

SMART is under attack by a small group of individuals that are attempting to kill the SMART train and pathway project forever. 

Join us to let your voice be heard.  Support the SMART Train and Pathway project allowing for a world-class multi-modal transportation system for the North Bay.

Please bring signs in support of SMART and please join us for the SMART Board meeting following the rally (the public meeting begins at 2:30 PM, check the board agenda for aganda changes).   It is important for SMART supporters to attend this meeting to speak on behalf of the SMART Train and Pathway.

If you can make this rally and/or the meeting, please RSVP to Alisha@marinbike.org.

SMART will provide: A world class bicycle/pedestrian multiuse pathway from San Rafael to Santa Rosa (in its first phase) Approximately 900 jobs in the region Sustainable transportation choices for Marin and Sonoma counties An alternative to Highway 101 traffic congestion Transportation choices for our aging population Clean, green transportation for this and future generations Regardless of whether or not you can make the rally, there are several things you can do today, including: Decline to Sign- Anti-SMART people are working to gather signatures throughout our communities to kill SMART. Please do not sign the anti-SMART petition.     
             Help Leaflet- The SMART Rider's Coalition has a team of supporters that are working on the ground to educate the public about the importance of SMART for this and future generations. This is an important way you can directly help to keep SMART on track. If you can volunteer, please contact Ben Boyce at:  ben.boyce@sbcglobal.net.  
                    Support SMART using your favorite social networking site-  Please "like" SMART Riders on the SMART Riders Facebook page, or visit our website at:  www.smartriders.wordpress.com.You can follow SMART Riders on Twitter too.
The Marin County Bicycle Coalition is working as part of the SMART Riders Coalition, a group of individuals and union, business and environmental organizations formed to support the Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) Train and Pathway. The Coalition's mission is to educate the public about the benefits of SMART Train and Pathway for the North Bay community. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

Supervisor Susan Adams' District 1 Newsletter

Lucas Valley Sidewalk Changes

Lucas Valley Road sidewalk:

       Staff is preparing documentation to complete the en-vironmental approvals for this federally-funded project. Final design needs to be completed in Spring 2012 to meet the funding deadlines. It is anticipated that construction will take place fall of 2012.

December 5, 2011