1. Contribute $10.00 for supplies and expenses
- Make check payable to "MarinLink"
- for: Safe Passage along Lucas Valley Road Project
- This is a nonprofit corporation under - IRS code 501(c)(3)
- Mail to: 5 Upper Oak Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903
3. Collect signatures/email addresses at postal box drop
4. Get 2 others interested; providing their email to
our database
5. Add our “signature” to your email
6. Speaking engagements
7. Raise money
8. Donate ream of paper for flyers at Staples
Staples® 50% Recycled Heavyweight Multipurpose Paper
- 28 lb.
- 96 US / 109 Euro Bright
- Recommended for all copiers, inkjet and laser machines
- FSC certified and endorsed by the Rainforest Alliance
- $10.99 500/Ream
Oxford Design Monogram Two-Pocket Portfolios
- Classic gold foil embossed cover
- Black/gold
- 4/Pack
- Item 883845
- Model 04161
- $6.79 four pack
12. Create our website
13. Attend future Board of Supervisor meeting