Thursday, November 12, 2009

Safe Passage along Lucas Valley Road Progress Report

Safe Passage Along Lucas Valley Road
c/o Five Upper Oak Drive
San Rafael, CA 94903

November 13, 2009

Hon. Susan Adams, District One Supervisor
Mr. Robert Beaumont, Chief Assistant Director, Department of Public Works
County of Marin
3501 Civic Center Drive #329
San Rafael, CA 94903

Dear Supervisor Adams and Mr. Beaumont:

Thank you for arranging our meeting yesterday.  We greatly value the opportunity to meet with you both.  Your leadership is especially appreciated at this time of scarce resources.

The meeting was informative, encouraging and clarifying.   We better understand the issues involved and the staff commitment required for a project of this scope.  We are proud of what has been accomplished to date.

Thanks to the County’s support and cooperation, the shrubbery has been cut back and the roadside is clearer, the surface shrapnel is being swept away, the survey has been completed, the lighting project for the north side is scheduled, repaving/re-striping is scheduled, and improved signage and reflector bumps are under consideration.

We will continue to do everything in our power to positively communicate the County’s progress and accomplishments.  We have built the “strong community support for these types of improvements,” per Amanuel Haile’s direction in October 2007.  We will continue to inform a caring community of more than 200 supporters of your efforts and the challenges ahead. 

We really appreciate your efforts and commitment to safety along this corridor.

Sincerely yours,

Ray Lorber            Carolyn S. Lenert             John Rojas
415 479-7193        415 499-9234                    Long Time Supporter                                    Mont Marin Resident