Friday, July 2, 2021

Why is the bench facing the woods, instead of the roadway?

 As the county employees were installing the bench they asked me which way did I want the bench to face.

While looking around it was decided that the bench should not face the traffic.  Who wants to sit on a bench and watch the traffic go by?

Suddenly a red shouldered hawk flew out of the bushes.

With that sudden flight, it was decided that would be the view most desirable.  

So all of the rumors that you have heard about why the bench was facing away from traffic no longer need to be spread.

It is facing that way because that was where the red shouldered hawk burst from the bushes.

Ray Lorber

Co-Leader, Safe Passage Along Lucas Valley Road Campaign

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Safe Passage Bench is installed

Tuesday, February 3, 2015
at 12:00 noon

With the leadership of 

Supervisor Damon Connolly

The County Public Works Department 
installed the 
Safe Passage Bench

Ernest Klock and Larry Lewis securing the base of the bench

Craig Parmley balancing the bench while Larry Lewis bolts the base.

Larry Lewis finishing the installation as Carolyn Lenert arrives to express her appreciation.

Ernest Klock, Craig Parmley and Larry Lewis enjoying the fruits of their labor.

Carolyn Lenert and Ray Lorber
express our sincere appreciation
 to all those involved in having the Safe Passage Bench installed;
Damon Connolly
Raul Rojas
Susannah Clark
Ernest Klock
Craig Parmley
Larry Lewis

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Emma Ramshaw expresses her appreciation as she moves on

In January 2009 Emma Ramshaw signed our Safe Passage along Lucas Valley Road petition and provided a letter of support.  Here is a link to her letter.;postID=2342177741734320178;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=postname

She is now moving out of our area and sent a Nextdoor email expressing her feelings toward her contribution to the project:

Nextdoor messages June 26 - 27, 2014

From Emma Ramshaw the first person to sign the Safe Passage along Lucas Valley Road petition on January 28, 2009.

A huge thank you to everyone who attended last night. It was wonderful to meet new faces, and I'll be sad to leave this friendly and supportive community. I'm planning on doing this sale again tonight, as there is still plenty left - so do feel free to come by between 6.30 pm and 8.30 pm. Thank you!

 Ray Lorber:


You will be missed. Thank you for helping us, your contribution was deeply appreciated.

Ray and Carolyn
25 Jun


Emma Ramshaw:

Carolyn and Ray,
Thank you for your lovely message. I ran along the path the other day, and I thought of you both and everything you achieved for the safety of our community. THANK YOU so very much! It's made Lucas Valley Road so much safer - and every time I see someone walking, jogging or cycling along it, I feel proud of being part of it. Best wishes to you both.
Emma 26 Jun


Ray Lorber: 

Comments like you have just sent, make it all worth while. Thank you.
 Ray and Carolyn

Ray 26 Jun